Skein Shop News — spinning RSS

Louët S17 Wheels - Make It Your Own!

A Top of the Line Wheel at a Fraction of the Cost We've been talking at lot here at Skein Shop headquarters about bringing in spinning tools and supplies.  Spinning your own yarn can be so rewarding, and if you start by making your own drop spindle, there's really not a huge upfront cost involved. Those who would like to hone their skills on a wheel, however, are faced with the daunting task of choosing which expensive tool they are going to invest in.  It can be a real struggle to find the right balance between price, quality, features, and future options.  A good wheel (in our opinion) is fairly priced, high quality, comes standard with flexible features, and has...

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Roving Has Arrived!

Spin it, Felt it, Love it... Fervent followers of Dashiemouse's personal blog may remember that last June she received a small tuft of pink roving in the mail, which sent her deeply back down the rabbit hole of spinning.  Since then, we've been working behind the scenes to bring that amazing roving to you... Well wait no longer, today is that day! Here's the first arrival of our spinning supplies - Mauch Chunky Roving from Kraemer!     Whether you're spinning or felting, the beautiful colors and excellent prep of the Mauch Chunky Roving will make your work easier. As with all of Kraemer's wools, the materials are sourced from American farmers and processed in their Pennsylvania mill.

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